Teaching Recruitment

Advertisement. No. 1713 dated 21.08.2024 for the post of Director - Research and Development purely on contractual basisimageNew1.gif

  Advt. No. 1695 dated 20.08.204 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (contractual), Deptt. of Hotel and Tourism ManagementimageNew1.gif

  Advt. No. 345 dated 16.08.2024 for the post of Assistant Professors under the Interdisciplinary School of Health SciencesimageNew1.gif

  Advt. No. 1565 dated 07.08.2024 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (OBC), Deptt. of Microbiology on 16.08.2024 imageNew1.gif

 Advertisement No.1113 dated 19.06.2024 for the post of Assistant Professor (Contractual Basis) Department of PharmacyimageNew1.gif

 Advertisement No. 1074 dated 14.06.2024 for Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual Basis) in Various Academic Departments.imageNew1.gif

 Advertisement No. 4410 dated 13.03.2024 for 33 teaching positions in various Academic Departments under Direct Recruitment Basis  

 Advertisement No. 4516 dated 16.03.2024 for 12 teaching positions under the School of Sports Sciences (Direct Recruitment) 

Advertisement No. 4516 Dated: 16.03.2024 for various teaching positions in School of Sports Sciences  

 Advertisement No. 4410 dated 13.03.2024 for Recruitment on various Teaching Positions (Regular)  

Advt. No. 4196 dated 29.02.2024 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Contractual) in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering 


      Application Form

  Notification 3900 (06.02.2024) List of selected candidates on teaching positions against Advt. 4110 dtd 18.01.2023 and 1214 dtd 13.07.2023

 Notification 3897 (06.02.2024) List of selected candidates on non-teaching positions against Advt. 1542 dated 04.08.2023

Schedule of Selection Committee Meetings of Teaching and Non-Teaching Positions (from 26.12.2023 to 10.01.2024)

 Rolling Advertisement No. CURAJ/R/F.153/2023/3099 dated 06.12.2023 for 15 teaching positions


 Advertisement No. 1997 dated 12.09.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual) in various Academic Departments 


Advertisement No. CURAJ/R/F.150/Rectt./2023/1897 dated 31.08.2023 for posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual) in Department of Pharmacy

Advertisement No. CURAJ/R/F.150/2023/1740 dated 23.08.2023 for posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual) in various Academic Department on purely contractual basis

Advt. No. 1543 dated 04.08.2023 for the posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual), Department of Sports Psychology and Sport Biomechanics under the School of Sports Sciences

Advertisement No. 1214 dated 13.07.2023 for various teaching positions under Direct Recruitment (Total positions: 27)

 Advt. No. 315 dated 22.04.2023 for the posts of Faculty Resource Person (Science and Social Science) purely on contractual basis

 Advt. No. 4988 dated 09.03.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Sports Biomechanics) purely on contractual basis, to be held on 24.03.2023 at 10:00 AM

 Advt. No. 4746 dated 24.02.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (02), Deptt. of Economics purely on contractual basis to be held on 13.03.2023

 Advertisement No. 4110 dated 18.01.2023 for various teaching positions under Direct Recruitment (Total positions: 47)

 Advt. No. 4532 dated 13.02.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant Professor on contract basis in the Deptt. of Sports Bioscience


For any query: 01463 - 257528

Non-Teaching Recruitment

Advertisement. No. 1713 dated 21.08.2024 for the post of Director - Research and Development purely on contractual basisimageNew1.gif

Advertisement. No. 1639 dated 13.08.2024 for the posts of Video Editor and Cameraperson (contractual basis)imageNew1.gif

Advertisement. No. CURAJ/1384 dated 18.07.2024 for the posts of Project Manager / Superintendent, Engineer Assistant Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer (Civil) - Contractual basis

Advertisement No. CURAJR.F.159Rectt.iTBI20241195 dated 26.06.2024 for hiring manpower for Inclusive Technology Business Incubator at CURAJ Incubation Foundation, CURaj imageNew1.gif

 Advertisement No. 1185 dated 25.06.2024 for the post of Registrar imageNew1.gif

 Advertisement for Expression of Interest for Coaches (Games/Sports)imageNew1.gif

 Notification 111 (05.04.2024) Result of recruitment on non-teaching positions (Anticipated/ Lien Vacancies) against Advt. 350 dated 02.05.2022

 Advertisement No. 4465 dated 13.03.2024 for Recruitment on the post of Director (R&D) (contratual)imageNew1.gif

 Advertisement No. 918 dated 10.06.2024 - Re-advertisement of Director - Open & Distance Learning and Online Programme on Temporary Basis imageNew1.gif

 Advertisement No. 4451 dated 13.03.2024 for Recruitment on Posts of Laboratory Assistant (contractual) under School of Sports Sciences 

 Advertisement No. 4450 dated 13.03.2024 for Recruitment on the Post of Controller of Examinations (Regular) 

 Advertisement No. 4411 dated 13.03.2024 for Recruitment on various Non-Teaching Positions (Regular) 

 Advertisement No. 3124 dated 08.12.2023 for the post of Medical Officer (Female) purely on temporary basis


Advt. No. 217 dated 06.02.2024 - Walk-In-Interview for Project Staff for the Indian Sign Language Studio and Lab, Department of Linguistics, CURAJ

 Advt. No. 218 dated 06.02.2024 for Empanelment of Casual Translator, Voice Recording Artist and E Content Writer under the Department of Linguistics, CURAJ

Advertisement No. CURAJ/R/F.150/2023/1542 dated 04-08-2023 for 19 Non-Teaching Positions



     Scrutiny Result - Librarian & Deputy Librarian - Advt. No. 1542 dated 04.08.2023

    Advertisement No. CURAJ/R/F.150/2023/1739 dated 23.08.2023 for posts of Laboratory Assistant under the School of Sports Science on purely contractual basis 

    Advertisement No. CURAJ/R/F.149/2023/1462 dated 29.07.2023 for the Post of Medical Officer (on contract)

    Advt. No. 1458 dated 28.07.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the Visiting Specialist of Counsellor (Part-Time)

    Advertisement No. CURAJ/R/F.149/2023/1447 dated 27.07.2023 for the post of Registrar

    Revised Advt. No. 803 dated 16.06.2023 for the post of Training and Placement Officer on purely temporary basis

    Advt. No. 418 dated 02.05.2023 for the post of Cook (UR) purely on contractual basis

    Advt. No. 5352 dated 28.03.2023 for the posts of Civil Engineer and Assistant Accounts purely on contractual basis

    Advt. No. 4731 dated 24.02.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Gym Trainer (UR-01) purely on contractual basis to be held on 13.03.2023 at 11 AM

    Advt. No. 4722 dated 23.02.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the post of Assistant (Account) purely on contractual basis, to be held on 13.03.2023 at 11:00 AM


    Advt. No. 4533 dated 13.02.2023 for Walk-in-Interview for the Visiting Specialist - Counsellor

     Advt. No. 3516 dated 14.12.2022 for the post of Controller of Examinations

     Advertisement No. 3370 dated 07.12.2022 for the post of Assistant Registrar (Lien Vacancy)

        Preference will be given to the candidates having experience in Recruitment and Establishment Section".



        Advertisement for Non-Teaching Position (Advt.: CURAJ/R/F.136/2022/350 Date: 02.05.2022)