Appointment of JRF in ANRF sponsored SPG (SERB POWER grant) project in the Department of Microbiology
Applications are invited from Indian citizens for temporary project positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)-01 for a project funded by under the scheme of MYAS-HRDS at CURAJ
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for walk-in-interview for the post of JRF (01) and RA I (01) under "DBT-BUILDER- Central University of Rajasthan Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme
Advertisement for the post of JRF (01) under ICMR project in Department of Pharmacy
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow/ Project Associate-I in Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for the post of JRF in Department of Physics
Advertisement for appointment of JRF in SERB sponsored project in Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) DST funded project - "Water Technology Initiatives" under Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) ( DST sponsored Indo-Russia project (International Cooperation Division) ) under Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for the post of Project Research Scientist-I” under Department of Biochemistry
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate-I under Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator for the ICSSR project under, Department of Computer Science"
Advertisement for the post of JRF for the SERB Project under Department of Physics
Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow in Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for JRF position in ASEAN- INDIA Collaborative R&D project under Dr. Akhil Agrawal, Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for the post of JRF position under Department of Biochemistry
Advertisement for the post of Project Research Scientist under Department of Biochemistry
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Associate position in DST sponsored research project under Department of Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Advertisement for the post of JRF under ICMR project under Department of Pharmacy
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research fellow (JRF) in the CRG project sponsored by DST-SERB, Govt. of India at the Department of Biochemistry
Advertisement for the post of 'Project Assistant' in the CRG project sponsored by DST-SERB, Govt. of India at the Department of Biotechnology."
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in EEQ project sponsored by DST-SERB, Govt. of India at the Department of Mathematics, Central University of Rajasthan (Last date of the JRF position has been extended till 05 May 2024)
Advertisement for the post of Research Scientist-I Position in ICMR funded project: Dept. of Biochemistry
Advertisement for the post Research Assistant under Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences
Applications are invited for the purely temporary posts of Senior Research Fellow / Project Associate II in the DST-SERB, New Delhi, Sponsored Project in Department of Physics at Central University of Rajasthan
Advertisement for Project Associate-I in Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for hiring Project Research Associate- II under ICMR project, Dept of Biotechnology
Advertisement for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position under the SERB-DST project titled "Emergent Collective Phenomena in Quantum Many-Body Physics" in the Department of Physics
Advertisement for the post of JRF position in Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement for the post JRF in the DST sponsored Indo-Russia project (International Cooperation Division) in the Department of Microbiology.
Advertisement for SRF position in DBT project under Department of Environmental Science
Advertisement for the post of JRF for the SERB Project under Department of Physics
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate under Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)-01 in Department of Sports Bioscience
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the DST funded project under "Water Technology Initiatives" in the Department of Microbiology.
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate-I under Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate and (01) and Junior Research Fellow (02) in Dept of Biotechnology
Advertisement for temporary project positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)-01 for AN International project funded by VELUX STIFTUNG, Switzerland, Department of Biotechnology
Appointment for the post of JRF in Department of Pharmacy
Advertisement for the post of JRF/Project Associate-I in MoES Sponsored Project in the Department of Atmospheric Science
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate-I in SERB project, Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for the post of JRF in DST sponsored project in Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Applications are invited for position of Junior Research Fellow(no of posts: 02) and Research Associate (no. of posts: 01) under Department of Atmospheric Science
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the DST sponsored Indo-Russia project (International Cooperation Division) in the Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow – 01 in the Department of Physics of the University.
Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow under Department of Physics
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate under Department of Atmospheric Science
Advertisement for the post of JRF in SERB sponsored project in Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for the recruitment of one JRF supported by SERB-CRG sponsored project in Microbiology
Applications are invited for post of CRS Project Fellow in the Department of Physics
Advertisement for the Post of Project Assistant under SERB Project in Department of Biochemistry
Advertisement for the post of JRF in the SERB-CRG Project under Department of Environmental Science
Advertisement for the recruitment of a Project Fellow in an externally funded research project, Department of Physics
Advertisement for the project assistant in the SERB-SCP project under Department of Environmental Science
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate-I under HEFA-CSR grant in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Applications are invited for the post Project Associate in Department of Chemistry
Advertisement under DST-SERB Project Department Biotechnology Central University of Rajasthan
Advertisement under DST-SERB Project Department Biotechnology Central University of Rajasthan
Application invited for Research Assistant in Department of Environmental Science
Advt. No. 160 dated 05.05.2023 for the posts of Research Associate (RA) and Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under DST-Centre for Policy Research
Advertisement for one Project Associate-I position in Department of Atmospheric Science
JRF Position in ICMR funded project Department of Biochemistry
Advertisement of JRF/Project Associate-I in SERB project, Department of Chemistry
Advertisement of Research Assistant (01 post), Department of Atmospheric Science,
Advertisement of Junior Research fellow for DST-sponsored research project entitled “Integrated Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling System to Assess the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Banas River Basin, Department of Atmospheric Science
Advertisement of Junior Research fellow and Research Associate Department of Atmospheric Science
Advertisement for SERB Project Fellow position in Department of Chemistry
Advertisement of a JRF position in SERB research project Department of Chemistry
Appointment of JRF in SERB sponsored project in Department of Sports Bioscience
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in SERB-DST sponsored research project
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis) on contract basis to work on the DST-sponsored research project
Application are invited for the post of JRF in Dept of Biochem. "DBT-BUILDER CU Raj Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advance Research and Education Translational genomics for plant, agriculture & Biomedical applications" Last date ext 20-11-22
Walk-in-interview for the post of JRF under the DBT-BUILDER program Dept. of Biotechnology
Applications are invited for the position of JRF to work in SERB-Power (Govt. of India) sponsored research project at Department of Biochemistry, Central University of Rajasthan
Extended Deadline: 12:09-2022 One position of JRF under DST-SERB project at the Department of Computer Science and Engg
Advertisement of JRF (CSIR Project) in the Department of Biochemistry
Advertisement of Junior Research Fellow/Project Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry
One position of JRF under DST-SERB project at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Advertisement for project associate under ISRO-GBP-ATCTM project - Dept. of Atmospheric Science
JRF position in ICMR sponsored research project at Department of Biochemistry
Project Assistant position in SERB sponsored research project at Department of Biochemistry
walk-in-interview for the position in the Department of Biotechnology under the ICMR-funded project entitled “Targeting malaria through host pathways: Dissecting the role of host serine/threonine kinase (STK35L1) in parasite infection and growth”
DST-SERB JRF Advertisement
Walk in Interview (Online) for the Post of Research Assistant in NCW Sponsored project
Applications are invited for the position of JRF to work in ICMR (Govt. of India) sponsored research project at Department of Biochemistry
Applications are invited for one JRF position supported by SERB-CRG sponsored project in Microbiology
Applications are invited for the post of Project Associate in Dept. of Chemistry)
Walk-in-Interview for the JRF position under the ICMR funded project.
Advertisement of the temporary postion (RA, SRF, JRF) in a Research Project of the Department of Atmospheric Science
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis) on contract basis to work on the DST-sponsored research project in Dept. of Chemistry)
Advertisement for the post of SRF in DST-RSF Project on purely contractual in Department of Physics
Advertisement for JRF position in Department of Biochemistry
JRF Position on purely contractual position in Department of Physics
Thermal and photo induced iron(II) spin crossover materials using smartly designed bi-, tri-, and tetradentate N-donor ligands(01(3084)/21/EMR-II)”.
Applications are invited for one JRF position supported by DST-SSTP sponsored project in Microbiology
Advertisement: One position of JRF under DST-SERB project at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering"
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow in IMPRINT2 project with Dr. Akhil Agrawal, Dept. of Microbiology. CURAJ
Advertisement for JRF Position (01) in Department of Atmospheric Science
Advertisement for the post of a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Research Associate (RA) in the Department of Environmental Science
Advertisement for JRF Position (01) under ICMR-Extramural Adhoc-BMS in Department of Microbiology
Advertisement to hire JRF/Project Associate-I under DST-SERB project (SRG/2020/000945) in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Recruitment of a JRF in DBT project under Department of Biotechnology
Extension of the last date of application for the JRF/PA-1 recruitment in the SERB-CRG project
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow in undertaken in the Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences of the University.
Advertisement for JRF under DST-SERB project under the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Project Assistant position in SERB-DST sponsored research project.
Applications are invited for the Junior Research Fellow/Project Associate-I in the Department of Physics
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow/Project Associate-I under Department of Physics
Advertisement for the recruitment of staff (JRF/Project Associate-I) in the DST-RFBR sponsored research project under Department of Physics
Advertisement for the Post of Senior Research Fellow in DST – BRICS Funded Project
Advertisement of Research Assistant Position in IMPRESS Project in Department of Public Policy, Law and Governance (PPLG)
Advertisement for vacant positions of research staff in Department of Management
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow position under DBT in Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for Recruitment of Project JRF vacancy (SERB sponsored project) under Department of Environmental Science
Advertisement for recruitment of staff (JRF/RA) in the DST-SERB startup project under Department of Physics
Advertisement for recruitment of one project staff (Junior Research Fellow) in Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in SERB-DST sponsored research project in Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow in SERB Project in Department of Biochemistry
JRF Advertisement SERB Project under Department of Atmospheric Science
Application invited for the recruitment (via online mode only) of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in the DST-SERB funded project, Physics Department, CURAJ
Advertisement of JRF under DBT-Biocare Project in Department of Microbiology
Project Assistant on contract basis to work on the DST- sponsored research project
Appointment of Research Assistant under project no.IMPRESS/P3697/1565/2018-19/ICSSR
Recruitment of Project staff (Project Fellow) in Department of Biotechnology
Application invited for the recruitment (via online mode only) of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in the DST-SERB funded project, Physics Department, CURAJ
JRF position under DST - SERB project - Department of Statistics
Postponement for the recruitment of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in the DST-SERB funded project to 20 May 2020 in Department of Physics
Postponement of interview scheduled on 27.02.2020 for appointment of Research Assistance under my ICSSR Project no IMPRESS/P3697/1565/2018-19
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for the post of Research Assistant to work on the project under the IMPRESS
Applications invited for the post of Research Associate (RA) under Department of Physics
Applications are invited for one JRF/SRF position supported by SERB –IMPRINT2 sponsored project in Department of Microbiology
Application invited for recruitment of one JRF under DST-SERB project
Applications are invited one Project Assistant position supported by DBT sponsered project in Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement for recruitment of staff (JRF/Project Associate-I)in Department of Physics, CURAJ
Walk-in Interview, Department of Social Work, Central University of Rajasthan hereby invites eligible candidates to attend walk-in interview.
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in DBT under Department of Microbiology
JRF position in the Department of Microbiology in the DBT sponsored project with Dr. Akhil Agrawal
Advertisement for hiring a JRF in the DBT sponsored project in Dept of Biotechnology
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in DBT sponsored research project-Department of Microbiology
Appointment of JRF in SERB-DST sponsored project in Department of Microbiology
Advertisement for appointment of JRF in SERB-DST sponsored project in Department of Microbiology.
Applications are invited for one JRF position supported by DST-SSTP sponsored project in Microbiology with Dr. Akhil Agrawal.
Project Assistant under DST INSPIRE project in Department of Chemistry
Advertisement of project staff positions JRF(01) and Research Associate(01) under Dept of Atmospheric Science
Advt. for the JRF position, Department of Mathematics at CURaj
Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant- Physical Chemistry (01 Post) on contract basis to work on the DST sponsored research project titled "Probing the Charge Transfer Mechanism in Exciplex System using lifetime Measurement"
Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant- Physical Chemistry (01 Post) on contract basis to work on the DST sponsored research project titled "Engineering of Resilient Superhydrophobic Coating using TiO2 Nanostructured in combination...
Applications are invited for the temporary posts of Junior Research Fellow and Research Associate in the DST, New Delhi, Sponsored Indo-Russian Research
Advertisement of SRF research project entitled “Development and Demonstration of biochemical enhanced oil recovery (BcEOR) technology for marginal oil wells of western India
Advertisement for JRF/Project Fellow in SERB Project
Advertisement for Recruitment of Project Fellow in DST-SERB in Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement of two SRF position supported by SERB –IMPRINT2
Advertisement of project staff in research project entitled “Development and Demonstration of biochemical enhanced oil recovery(BcEOR) technology for marginal oil wells of western India (Reference no IMP/2018/000589).”
Advertisement - Project Fellow under National Resource Centre (NRC)
Advertisement for CSIR Project Fellow Position
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow in SERB Project under Dr. Vishvanath Tiwari
Advertisement for One JRF in Department of Pharmacy
Advertisement for One Project fellow position under UGC-DAE CSR Mumbai sponsored project.
Advertisement for JRF position in Department of Environmental Science
Advertisement for DST-SERB Fellow in Department of Biochemistry